Top 100 alternative sites to
Online Courses
Online Courses & Categories
BBCONF Online Courses
Buana Online Course
Eloqua Online Courses
SIAP Online Courses
Your Learning Portal for Official Statistics
Boating Courses Online
CPS Online CoursesIf you have arrived here and would like to take a course please follow this link to our registration site and go to the section for online courses and complete the relevant form. If you are interested in the Maritime Radio Course then go to the Self Study Section
Online Training Courses
Online training courses on mold inspection, fungal spores identification, bacteria sampling and WHMIS
English Training Online Courses
Online Courses @ SOC e-Learning
The Online Course Portal for e-Learning at Special Olympics Canada. This site serves as a central point for ongoing athlete, coach and volunteer education and training courses.Le portail de cours en ligne pour l'apprentissage en ligne à Olympiques Spéciaux Canada. Ce site sert de point central pur les cours continus d'éducation et de formation des athlètes, des entraîneurs et des bénévoles.
Indoor Cycling Instructor Courses Online
Top indoor cycling instructor certification online with expert support from Debbie Kneale. 100% Recommended and 5 Star rated by instructors in over 43 countries so far.
Online Training Courses for E+ Youth Workers
Loyola High School Online Courses
Welcome to the online courses available at Loyola High School. If you are a student at the school, you should have a username and password that will bring you to the courses that you are enrolled in. Enjoy the site.
QMed Knowledge Foundation Online Courses
The world believes that Online Searching is “the” easiest way of getting any information. There is an information overload on the World Wide Web today. Most people are confident about searching online. Alarmingly few actually know how to.
ESL Courses Online: Login to the site
IASD Online Course and Conference Center
You can access pages on this website only by opening a free account. You may have to widen your browser window in order to see the login link in the top right corner of this page.
CPD Teaching & Learning Online Courses
Online Courses in Horticulture: Log in to the site
Acacia - Online Courses and Qualifications - Accredited and Recognised
LOCKDOWN SKILL UP! Skilling up from HOME, APPLY today Up-skill today with FEE-FREE online short courses. These online courses have been tailored to high-demand industries and are aimed at providing you with the career boost you’ve been looking for, all of which can provide a pathway into a variety of full qualifications. Learn More
Author: Acacia
Other sites like acionline ca
MSC Online Learning Program Course Site
Students and Staff LOGIN HERE
NIDM Online Portal- Pathfinder Online Courses on Disaster Risk Management
NIDM Online Portal- Pathfinder Online Courses on Disaster Risk Management
White Card Online Course & Training Australia | Online Safety Training
Complete the White Card Course Online and get your White Card immediately. Our White Card Course is recognised in all states. Best online and phone support.
Available courses
Available Courses
Qii Courses : OnlineE-Coursesand Mini-Courses from Qi Internetics (Qii). Enrollment keys for courses can be obtained from our sister site
Available courses
Selamat datang di Website MASTEL Digital Academy (MDA)
Available courses
Available courses
Register for courses and webinars to learn more about Alzheimers, Dementia and Dementia care.
Available courses
The Council of Community Colleges Online Courses: Log in to the site
Alabama Fire College Online Courses: Log in to the site
Online Echocardiography Course & Sonography Training | 123 Sonography
123 Sonography is the #1 provider of online echocardiography training. Thousands of physicians and sonographers have learned echo from us. Register for our free course!
Author: Michael 1
Toronto eSchool - Online High School Courses - OSSD Diploma
Ontario online high school - OSSD credits
Author: Admin
Lambda Suite - eLearning and Online Course Platform | Lambda Solutions
Create eLearning that exceeds your business goals, drives learning outcomes & increases ROI with Lambda’s industry-leading expertise and technology.
Popular Courses
Author: Ruth Ruane - Monday
The Course Library
StreamLearn Courses
StreamLearn is an educational media company focused on effecting change through interactive, online media and online learning. These courses were developed by StreamLearn in collaboration with universities in the UK, Bulgaria, and United States. Choose any course to learn more and enroll.
Journalism Courses
Курс "Законы кашрута" Курс "Благословения на удовольствия" Курс "Законы Субботы"
What else alternative websites
LIDO - E-Course
SPMM Course
Course categories
Distant Courses
Course categories
IITM Courses
Students login using openLDAP credentials and Faculty login using ADS credentials.
Cougar Courses
Course catalogue
Course: Indholdskursus
ONLINE Insurance Courses. Cursos de Seguros en Linea. Taxes. Dolphy School
Cursos de Seguros en Linea. Dolphy School, Clases de Taxes, Impuestos en USA
Bellavista S.H.A.R.E. Courses
Moodle Training Courses
Moodle Training Courses - Moodle Teacher and Administrator TrainingThis Moodle course cover more than 42 Moodle topics, in video, text and practicals. Just like most other vendors we can just run a Moodle course over one or two days, but few can master Moodle it in that time. Learning to use Moodle is easy but proper Moodle mastery takes regular practice after the course has been completed.The key to mastering Moodle is practise, practise, practise and the freedom to edit and experiment without interference and free of consequences. A Desktop LMS Moodle Course development LMS system is included.
Home - Journalism Courses
This is an online training platform of the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas at Austin.
Author: Journalism Courses by Knight Center
Courses for Future Farmers
Skills for Future Farmers is a platform providing training programs in Organic Farming, Rural Development, Agricultural Markets, Farming Management, Biobased Economy, and ICT in Agriculture.It also offers specialized mobile apps with suites of helpful facilities and news for farmers as well as a free e-commerce platform that can be customized towards the development of a full-functioning e-shop.
Interactive chemistry courses
Grow2Serve Course Portal
eSportsInstruction Course Server
ASTC Short Courses
Utile courses toolbox
UTILE project makes available a repository of online courses and best practices on “bringing research to market” to improve health research projects on exploitation and commercialization.
Other websites similar as
vLearn Course Site
We will be performing some infrastructure upgrades which require taking your Moodle instance offline temporarily. These are rare but help us keep your service top-notch.Our plan is to complete maintenance:Sunday April 4th 8:00pm - 12:00am.
Orderflow Academy Courses
Our goal in Order-flow Academy trains you to become a multiple assets class trader. You will find there are both Currency and Stock Options courses available for your selection. You can start with modular courses and eventually your goal is to be able to invest in both forex and options markets.
AUCA e-Course System
RVR&JC Courses
Course management site for RVR & JC College of Engineering
Online Solar Training and Renewable Energy Courses - Solar Energy International (SEI)
Solar Energy International's (SEI) Online Campus has been offering online courses in solar pv, renewable energy, and sustainable building technologies for over 10 years. Through our outreach programs, SEI works with grassroots and development organizations to promote sustainability and improve quality of life around the world. Interested in online solar training and renewable energy courses? Check out our courses here.
UTCN Master of Science Courses
Building Biology Course IBN
Welcome to the Building Biology Course of the Institute of Building Biology + Sustainability IBN.
Some websites with similar theme to include:
LMS Polinema
Author: Ratih Indri Hapsari - Wednesday
Licenciatura en Filosofía Masónica
Licenciatura en Filosofía Masónica
eLearning Universitas Warmadewa
e-Learning Universitas Warmadewa adalah sistem pembelajaran online berbasis web sebagai sarana untuk proses belajar mengajar antara dosen dan mahasiswa di lingkungan Universitas Warmadewa.
Онлайн-образование: программы переподготовки, повышения квалификации
Сайт дистанционного обучения предназначен для взаимодействия педагогов и студентов
Author: От Администратор Пользователь - Вторник
VŠPEP sistem za studije na daljinu
VSPEP Distance Learning Support System
ระบบการเรียนการสอนออนไลน์ วิทยาลัยชุมชนสงขลา
Author: ชด นิตศิริ - Sunday
UP2B Project
UP2B Project
СГУПС Электронные образовательные ресурсы
UMSeLF - UM Student e-Learning Framework
UMSeLF - UM Student e-Learning Framework
Author: Admin UMSeLF - Wednesday
Учебный Центр "ГК "ТехноРесурс"
Учебный Центр "ГК "ТехноРесурс"Техносферная безопасность (256 часов);Охрана труда (40 часов);Пожарно-технический минимум;Электробезопасность (I-IV гр. до и выше 1000В);Краткосрочное повышение квалификации (72-112 часов) (строительство, проектирование, изыскание,охрана труда, пожарная безопасность, экология); Промышленная безопасность;
Campus Numérique UABT
More other alternatives for acionline ca
Aula Virtual Asociación Educativa Rescate y Salvamento
Данный сайт содержит обучающие интерактивные курсы по французскому языку для русскоязычных слушателей.Курсы включают видеоматериалы с объяснением грамматического и фонетического материала на русском языке, грамматический материал в таблицах и схемах, словарь по теме, упражнения для тренировки лексики и грамматики, письменные тексты, аудио и видео материалы для восприятия устной речи..Стоимость подписки на ресурсы представлена на странице "Услуги"Вход на ресурс "Запись на курс" свободный" в статусе гостя. Ресурс содержит материалы открытого доступа.
Author: От Elena Vyssokikh - Среда
E-Learning Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta
Portal E-Learning ini sebagai sarana pembelajaran daring civitas akademika Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta
Author: Oleh System Administrator - Senin
Moodle do Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
Asociación Odontológica Argentina
Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional Santiago Fernández García
Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje de la Unidad Educativa "Santiago Fernández García"
SMAN 7 Surakarta
Pembelajaran berbasis IT SMA Negeri 7 Surakarta bertujuan untuk1. meningkatkan daya serap dari para peserta didik atasmateri yangdiajarkan,2. meningkatkan partisipasi aktif dari para peserta didik,3. meningkatkankemampuan belajar mandiri, dan meningkatkan kualitas materipembelajaran.4. dan diharapkan dapat merangsang pertumbuhan inovasi baru para pesertadidik.E-learning ini dibuat untuk menunjang keberhasilan proses belajar mengajardengan menggunakan berbagai fasilitas teknologi informasi.
Lógica Pro
VIP-град (virtual, intellektual, play's town - виртуальный, интеллектуальный, игровой город)
درس افزار ( سامانه هماهنگی و مدیریت دروس ) - صالح حافظ قرآنی
CISDE, Campus Internacional para la Seguridad y la Defensa
PTC Fundi E-Learning Platform
Strathmore University eLearning System
Strathmore University eLearning System
Instituto Tecnológico de Roque
Author: De Ing Sergio Arturo García Gutierrez - Tuesday
Académica Formación en Línea
Mediazione Linguistica Perugia
Mediazione Linguistica Via Villa Glori 7/C - Perugia Tel. +39 075 500
Author: Di Medling Perugia - Lunedì
Learning Management System
Aktif Akademi Eğitim Merkezi
Canlı Ders SistemiCanlı dersler sadece YMM Uzaktan Eğitim Programlarında yapılmaktadır.Öğrencilerimiz, canlı derslere belirtilen gün ve saattegiriş yaparak katılabilirler.
Trung tâm Tin học Ánh Dương
Trung tâm tin học Ánh Dương
Author: Bởi Admin AD - Thứ tư
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