Top 100 alternative sites to
Evan Sangaline's personal website with technical blog posts and open source projects.
Author: Evan Sangaline
KuduLab - personal blog and open source projects
Author: Tomasz Sętkowski
Jason Downing
This is Jason Downing's Personal Website, where he includes college projects, personal side projects and any professional or open source stuff
Author: Jason Downing
CSS Junction - A blog about internet technology
This is my person blog to share my knowledge, practices and open source projects about software development and design.
Personal website about some of my open source projects, board games and mountainbiking.
Author: David Peter
Ethan Nelson
Personal website of Ethan Nelson, PhD highlighting open source projects, hobbies, and research.
Author: Ethan Nelson
Miicat_47 | Home
Miicat_47's personal website, where you can see some of my open-source projects and other cool stuff
Daniel Rodriguez website and blog about data science, apps and open source projects
Author: Daniel Rodriguez
The personal website and blog for Jeppe Fihl-Pearson about open source technologies and photography.
Blog and open source projects by Tim Jones.
NicoHood's Blog - Personal Blog about Open-Source Software
Personal Blog about Open-Source Software
Author: Admin
Jamie Scaife - United Kingdom 🇬🇧
Cyber security, open-source, software development and reverse engineering - the personal blog and website of Jamie Scaife.
Author: Jamie Scaife
Home | Marco Segato
Marco Segato personal website. Working in IT as a Project Manager and Software Analyst. Passionate with linux, open source and innovation.
David Schlachter
Solutions to problems, project pages for my open-source work, general informational articles. Personal website of David Schlachter.
Author: David Schlachter ~/home - Markus Konrad, Berlin
Personal website of Markus Konrad from Berlin: Computer Science related topics, own open-source software projects.
Author: Markus Konrad
Create Your Free Website and Blog in 1 Minute | GreenCheap CMS
GreenCheap CMS is a open-source php project that allows you to create your own website and blog in 1 minute.
This is the official website of Dev-C++ Open Source project. This is the official website of Dev-C++ open source C & C++ IDE
Home - Dev-C++ Official Website
This is the official website of Dev-C++ Open Source project. This is the official website of Dev-C++ open source C & C++ IDE
Rocket Nine Labs
Personal blog of Trevor Slocum, open source developer.
Other sites like adrian-singer de
My personal blog about IT, open source, linux, my hobbies and etc...
Author: Jaroslav Petráš
Nick Harutyunyan
Welcome to Nick Harutyunyan's personal website. Nick is an open source researcher and project manager interested in software engineering and information systems.
Author: Nick Harutyunyan
Binod Swain
Personal website of Binod Swain, Front-end developer and has authored a few open source projects, currently based out of BBSR, India
Handpicked Collection of Bootstrap Themes, Templates, UI Kits, Components - Bootstrap Starter
Download a free, open source theme to kickstart your Bootstrap website. Free Bootstrap templates for your personal, commercial and client projects.
For scientific data
MOLGENIS open source project website.
For scientific data
MOLGENIS open source project website.
Home - monomelodies
MonoMelodies website for open source projects, software engineer
Personal website. Past projects, blogging.
Andriy Lesyuk site
About me and this website I'm the author of the Mastering Redmine book, the author of 20+ open source plugins for Redmine, a Redmine expert, an Open Source evangelist, a developer and a geek. This is my website, on which you can find my blog and my projects.
Author: Andriy Lesyuk
@indrora's notebook | Writings of a 🦊 on the internet
Personal blog of @indrora: Musings on software and open source, security, etc.
Haringstad - Enkhuizen - The Netherlands
Haringstad Website with links to open source projects.
Author: Jacco van Koll
Interchange commerce application server
Interchange commerce open source project website
Hello, world! - vypxl
vypxl personal website, home for my projects and blog
Pratyush - software enthusiast profile and projects
Pratyush's official information hub, portfolio, open source projects and blog.
Here be dragonflies!
Personal website of a developer and open-source enthusiast.
Stefan's blog
Personal blog about open source, software, music, and music notation.
Author: Štefan Bunčiak
My Notebook - Linux, Open Source, Web Development and other Stuff
My personal Blog about Linux, Open Source, Web Development and Electronics
Author: Andreas Rohner
Stefan Stranger's Blog
This is my personal blog. I work at Microsoft as a Consultant. You can find some of my open source projects on Github. I like to share my knowledge about Azure, PowerShell and DevOps
Raymon Zutekouw
Raymon's personal website about his life and projects with a blog.
Richard Littauer
My personal website, where I list all of my main projects and occasionally blog.
Author: Richard Littauer
What else alternative websites
Octavian Hasna
Presentation website with personal projects and a blog with Romanian posts.
Author: Octavian Hasna
Raymond Su
Raymond Su's Personal Website. Check out my blog, projects, photo journals and more
Author: Raymond Su
This is my (Ricardo N Feliciano) personal website. A place for me to blog and share my projects.
Alain Sinzig
The personal website of Alain Sinzig. A blog about my projects and other things.
Author: Alain Sinzig
Eric Daugherty's personal website, including blog and software projects.
Farzad Mohebi
Farzad Mohebi's personal website. An aggregation of all his projects and blog posts.
Author: Farzad Mohebi
Personal website of Ilja Gubins. Projects, blog posts, links.
Author: Ilja Gubins
Faisal Ahmad
Love to write blogs about open source projects, WordPress, operating systems, and software.
Singer | Open Source ETL
Simple, Composable, Open Source ETL
Blogifier - An open source publishing platform
Blogifier is an open source, publishing platform written in .NET 5.0 and Blazor WASM. You can make a multi-author or a personal blog and a powerful website.
Munaf A. Mahdi
A blog about social networking, web design, web development, coding, programming, open source projects, paid projects.
nihar's page on the internet
Personal webpage of another Systems engineer who is interested on Open Source projects based for linux environment
| Sveinbjorn Thordarson
Sveinbjörn's personal website. Also some open source software stuff.
Author: Sveinbjörn Þórðarson
Andrei-Niculae Petre | Andrei-Niculae Petre’s personal website and tech blog. Software engineer from Bucharest, Romania, interested in open
Andrei-Niculae Petre’s personal website and tech blog. Software engineer from Bucharest, Romania, interested in open source, python, linux, rock climbing and chess.
Author: Andrei-Niculae Petre
Home | Ben Szymanski's Blog | Ben Szymanski's Blog
A blog about web and Mac software development, and related open source projects. Written by Ben Szymanski.
The OptionKey Blog
The OptionKey is a Technology blog. How to tips and useful documentation on Apple, Microsoft, Open Source Project.
Author: Trevor Tye
Joseph Duffy
Apps, blog posts, open source projects and contributions, and Stack Overflow contributions by Joseph Duffy
Leon Latsch | Home
Website and project overview of Leon Latsch, developer for open-source software
My personal website, with the occasional blog post, contact informations and various projects.
kodimensional by Dmitrii Kovanikov
Dmitrii Kovanikov personal website: blog, experience, CV, main projects
Author: Dmitrii Kovanikov
Other websites similar as
Basil's dev site
My personal portfolio/website/blog, Plus a swath of other cool projects and other shenanigans.
Portfolio - Nur Ilyas
Nur Ilyas developer portfolio website. Check out information, blogs and projects from the person.
Wade'O Design - Home
DIY projects focused on Machine & Product Design. Personal website and blog.
James Wilson · Open Source Technologist & Senior Web Developer
The personal blog of James Wilson; senior web developer at Bluespark and avid Open Source enthusiast.
Blog - Hugo Tunius
Personal blog of Hugo Tunius. Developer, open source enthusiast, aspiring designer, and Hugo of all trades.
Lazarus Lazaridis’ personal blog with programming tutorials, tips and open source related posts. And cats.
Author: Lazarus Lazaridis
WhiteByte - IT Blog by Ahmet Yueksektepe and Nick Russler
IT-Blog on Software-Development. Featuring interesting IT-Articles, Code-Snippets and Open-Source Projects. Blog of Ahmet Yueksektepe and Nick Russler.
Author: Nick Russler
Welcome to nowhere
Personal website of Ashley Nicolson, open source advocate and people herder
Open Source Projects— Open Source Projects For Beginners
Open Source Projects can usefull for the beginners. Projects, codes, learn python, c#,, javascript source projects etc.— Open Source Projects— Learn Python
Embedded Systems in Egypt
A blog about Embedded Systems Design and Companies working on this technology in Egypt. DIY and open source projects.
Author: Timer
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Author: Sentiment Satisfied Alt
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Providing affordable web solutions for global enterprise clients. Development, design, hosting, SEO, support, maintenance and upgrades for websites and mobile apps. Optimize the speed, security and visibility of your web infrastructure.
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Das vom BMBF geförderte Projekt ZuPro2Flex befasst sich mit der Zustandsbewertung und Prozessassistenz für nutzungsdauerbasierte Geschäftsmodelle zur Flexibilitätssteigerung in der Produktion.
Author: Adrian Singer
EPRTC | Inicio
Dirigido por Carlos Marques, este site é dedicado ao Reiki e a outras disciplinas que contribuam para o bem estar, o auto conhecimento, e o despertar da consciência.
Das Projekt entwickelt und angriffs- und fälschungssichere Datenströme innerhalb von Unternehmen und in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken.
Author: Adrian Singer
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