Top 5 alternative sites to

  2. Crossfire World Outreach Ministries
    Crossfire World Outreach Ministries is a Christian Bible believing collection of People and Ministries who reach out to the Community and World With the Gospel of Jesus. Crossfire Heal House Church is the Home Church from which we Live, Learn and Give the Gospel Together. we hope you can join with us in growing and loving this world the one Jesus gave His life for. There are great days ahead of us all as we follow Christ Jesus our Savior and Lord.

  4. Missionary Ventures International – Involve – Inspire – Impact
    Our vision is to Involve Inspire Impact Equipping and empowering the church worldwide to make disciples. Missionary Ventures International Since 1983 WHO we are Missionary Ventures is an interdenominational family of Christians bound together by our love for **** and our commitment to reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are rooted…

  6. Spoken Word Ministries - Hopkins Ministries International
    Spoken Word Ministries and Hopkins Ministries International is a team of people dedicated to proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through our training events and resources we equip believers for ministry within their communities.
    Author: Boyd Hopkins

  8. Central Presbyterian Church, Cambridge
    “For I have Good News and it shall be for all people”. This was how **** introduced Jesus Christ to the World. At Central, we believe that by sharing this message of hope and by sharing ****’s love, we can change lives and build stronger communities. Our children and youth ministries teach our children to be confident, strong in their faith, optimistic and compassionate. Our adult ministries support and strengthen people and families. And through our Outreach and Mission programs, we reach out into our community and beyond to provide concrete support. It is good news and it shall be for all people. Please come visit. Come and see. You are always welcome.

  10. WELCOME - Positive Christianity
    A new day is dawning for you! This is the Day that The Lord has made. The worldwide PRAYER PLACE inside the Internet. Welcoming all faiths, excluding no one. Not connected to any church – Positive Christianity is a ministry without physical, or denominational walls, that the world can instantly access, and use, without cost. Mission statement With Jesus Christ as the sole head and chief cornerstone of this ministry, we are dedicated to being the world’s best in serving people of all faiths with a positive, uplifting awareness of ****; using Advanced Technology with high human touch, we give people...