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Poetry Slam Skolen – Undervisning i poetry slam og spoken word
Undervisning i poetry slam og spoken word
Simon Chen - Spoken Word | Text & Auftritt | Slam Poetry
Simon Chen - Spoken Word | Text & Auftritt | Slam Poetry
Home - Toronto Poetry Slam
Toronto Poetry Project was founded in 2005 by local poet and journalist David Silverberg. The Toronto Poetry Slam is one of the largest spoken word events in Canada. We send poets to represent the Toronto at various festivals and slam competitions across North America. Please note, all of our events are currently online until further notice. Learn More Learn More ... Read More
Author: Toronto Poetry Slam
Poetry | Sacred Voices | United States
Sacred Voices is a Denver based, indigenous youth poetry and spoken word organization. Founded in 2004, Sacred Voices has been committed to empowering young, underserved, and unheard voices through their spoken word workshops and monthly open mic events taking place
IGT 8, India's Got Talent 2018 Contestants, VOTE, Judges, Hosts, Starting Date, Time
India's Got Talent 2017-2018, IGT Season 8 Auditions, Registration, Contestants, Judges, Hosts, Timings, Online Voting, Elimination, Winner Name
Author: IGT Eight
Virginia Poet Sharolyn Singleary, Virginia poetess, Virginia spoken word artist, female poetry lover, Virginia slam artist Sharolyn Singlear
Virginia Poet Sharolyn Singleary, Virginia poetess, Virginia spoken word artist, female poetry lover, Virginia slam artist Sharolyn Singleary, black poets, black authors, black poems, african american poetess, urban poems, urban poetess, street poetry, - Welcome to Female Poet Sharolyn Singleary PoetsPage… Collection of this Virginia based Female Poetess, poetry can be found here… Poem Links, Picture, Bio and More…
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The NL NDP aims to bring the values of justice and equality to the forefront of politics in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Schaeffer's Piano Company | Pianos Maryland | United States
Schaeffer's Piano Company is a family-owned and operated business with extensive experience in the full service piano industry.
Superna | Dell EMC Isilon Data Protection
Superna's Scale out NAS Data Protection solutions for Dell EMC Isilon. DR automation, Ransomware protection, file Auditing and quota reporting and automation
Quinoa Supplier,Exporter & Manufacturer in India | Agrophilia
Agrophilia - export-oriented organization mainly focusing on the supply of various quality superfood seeds like Quinoa, Pumpkin, Sunflower, Basil, Flax & Chia Seeds.
Home | Bharat Bass Festival
Cllínica dental | | San Miguel
En Clinica DentalyFacial te ofrecemos una atención personalizada con valores accesibles y facilidades de pago. Somos especialistas en Implantes de Titanio, Ortodoncia (frenillos) , cirugía Bucal (extracciones) y Estética Orofacial.
Bhooka Saand | Top Food Blogger India | Best Street Food Review
Bhooka Saand is a top food blogger in India. Checkout Bhooka Saand's latest vlogs to know best food and places to eat in India.
Jam On Toast Music
Jam On Toast is a music project for children, created and produced by James Madsen. Jam On Toast is a series of music albums and educational resources with exciting live and interactive concerts, in-school workshops plus inspiring educational teacher training.
Inner Journey 靈心旅程
HOME | Iceman
Leandro Clínica | Psicólogo Leandro S. de Oliveira - Santos São Paulo
Leandro Clínica | Psicólogo em Santos | Terapia Pessoal | Constelação Familiar | Gonzaga | Beneficência Portuguesa de Santos | Santos São Paulo
PureTennis | Midwest Sports | United States
Stay up-to-date on the latest tennis equipment releases, product reviews, and the top stories both inside and outside the lines with the PureTennis blog from
Saurabh Kaushik | The Official Website of Saurabh Kaushik
Saurabh Kaushik – India's leading business coach and strategist for top business owners and entrepreneurs who want to grow their business, life and success!
Other sites like igotthelastword tv
GYNNOX - Referência Nacional em Instalações Comerciais
construir ou reformar sua padaria, restaurante, açougue, supermercado, loja de conveniência ou qualquer tipo de estabelecimento que necessite de câmaras frias, mesas de autoatendimento, expositores em geral, gôndolas, cozinhas industriais, dentre outros projetos comerciais e industrias.
Audiovisual storytelling | WISE Media | Belgium
WISE Media offers tailor-made audiovisual content for SME's in need of exposure placing them in an authentic and professional spotlight. We are all about telling your story.
DS Fitness Salle de sport | Lesquin
Salle de plus de 600m2, proche de la métropole lilloise, DS FITNESS vous propose des séances coachées de Bootcamp, Cross-Training variées et adaptées à tous.
«Formation estudio espagnol» est une entreprise spécialisée dans la conception et la vente de guide de voyage intitulé " Ma trousse de voyage".
Hospital | Grand Hospital Roma | Ciudad de México
Grand Hospital Roma es una institución sanitaria certificada que brinda servicios médico-hospitalarios de excelencia.
Hoorcentrum | Logopedie | Boechout | Praktijk Gehoord
Praktijk Gehoord is een praktijk gespecialiseerd in communicatiestoornissen. Wij zijn zowel een hoorcentrum als een logopediepraktijk gelegen in Boechout.
Кашемировое пальто
Ателье Кашемир Москвы A&I, представляет кашемировое пальто, которое добавит больше стиля и тепла в Ваше настроение. Утончённый классический фасон и современные сюжеты, короткие и длинные, зимнее и демисезонные. На нашем сайте Вы можете купить или заказать пошив пальто из шерсти мериноса и альпака.
Видеопродакшн U STUDIO | У СТУДИЯ Павел Ульянов
Видеопродакшн U STUDIO | У СТУДИЯ. Преимущества: Мы предлагаем интересные и уникальные решения к каждой поставленной задаче. Развиваем сюжет и усиливаем образы, учитывая все пожелания заказчика. Создаём дизайн, благодаря которому ролик будет хорошо выглядеть визуально. Все эти факторы обеспечивают высокую конверсию.
Soloinsight - CloudGate Visitor Management - Access Control - Chicago
Modernize your Building Security and Visitor Experience through CloudGate Access Intelligence platform. Utilize the power of 3D Face Recognition, Cloud first Mobile first technology and innovations.
Creativity & Personal Development Services | Nim Gholkar
Nim Gholkar is Entrepreneur, Author, Public Speaker and Success Coach who has helped thousands of adults, teens and children to unleash creativity, develop confidence, improve communication and become successful at work and in personal life. Coaching programs are offered through Nims Niche Pty Ltd.
HOME | Kajou TV Network
Главная | Guslipskov
Exist Better | Integrate Your Shadow
Exist Better is a place to learn shadow work & reclaim your rightful seat of power.
Laura Quesada | Traverso
Early Music - Música Antigua - Laura Quesada
Medicina Chinesa | Miyamoto Acupuntura Sorocaba | Brasil
Atendimento com Acupuntura, fitoterapia chinesa e todas as técnicas de medicina tradicional chinesa em Sorocaba e região.
ESF Morbier | Jura | France
Ecole du ski de Morbier, vous acceuilles pour vous faire découvrir les plaisirs de la glisse sous toutes ses formes.
Tvisual - Video & Creative
The best videos you can get.
Canal TV de RadioViajera | RadioViajeraTV
Televisión de viajes. Canal de TV de RadioViajera, los mejores podcasts de viajes, con imagen. Con los mejores Bloggers de viajes. RadioViajeraTV
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Find Fit People livestream platform showcases rising sports and fitness talent across Dubai and the United Arab Emirates free-to-air! Don't miss the live action, highlights and more!
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Consultoria Especializada Em Planejamento Estratégico e Gestão Para Renovar Seu Negócio Apoiando Na Gestão De seus Projetos, Processos, Inovação e Estratégia
Photo | Film Production Services | Euroconnection | Cape Town
Cape Town photo and film productions euroconnection
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Vocalcoaching | Rock & Pop-Gesangsschule Herrenberg
Amigos da Jubarte | Espírito Santo - Brasil
As baleias-jubarte da costa capixaba.
創意、廣告及香港市場策劃 - Allied Star Media 滙星媒體
Allied Star Media 滙星媒體為客戶提供一站式的市場策劃方案,緊貼網上營銷步伐,專人制定宣傳及廣告策略,包括Facebook及Instagram等社交媒體管理、關鍵字優化(SEO)、關鍵字廣告(SEM)及網上廣告、媒體公關及KOL跟進、創意影片拍攝及廣告製作。
Kino-im-Wohnzimmer | Heimkino Fachgeschäft in Berlin
Kino-im-Wohnzimmer, Ihr Fachgeschäft für Heimkino-Installationen in Berlin. Verkauf, Bau, Planung und Beratung von Profis!
Cookie - Consultoria em Nutrição
A Cookie Nutrição Existe para Potencializar o Trabalho dos Nutricionistas e Ajudá-los a Conquistar Prosperidade e Realização Profissional.
Region Caribe ORG | Noticias del Caribe | Colombia
Noticias del Caribe Colombiano, actualidad, deportes, analisis, especiales
Financial Coaching | Fabulous & Financially Free LLC
Our financial coaching will show you how to take control of your money so that you can live the life of your dreams! Fabulous & Financially Free
Pedagogía | Red Pedagógica Contemporánea
Información sobre nuestros eventos académicos
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Best Gynecologist in Chennai, Lady Doctor Near me, Low cost IVF, Normal Delivery Specialist and Insurance Accepted.
Planet Eden - Future Music Netlabel - - Austria
Future Happenz NOW - atmospheric future sounds - an innovative music catalogue from artists all over the world
Home | FTFTV
Clube Do Livro | Book Gang
Clube do Livro e Livraria da comunidade Book Gang. Todos os dias são dias de ler.
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Home | Faith City
Drones en Mallorca | Servicios aéreos con Drones | Vídeo Fotografía
Operadora de drones y pilotos profesionales para tus producciones audiovisuales en Baleares. Consultoría y Asesoría a Operadores de Dron. Servicios: Fotografía y vídeo aéreo, servicios técnicos con Dron, Dron consultoría, Dron asesoramiento.
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Running | Alejandro Britos Entrenador
Alejandro Britos: Entrenador - Profesor de Educación Fisica. Grupo de entrenamiento Club de Running.
Clinica de fisioterapia
Clinica de fisioterapi recomendada por seus clientes, Referencia em Lagoa Santa MG
Accounts Classes | Kunal Kumar Classes
Kunal Kumar Classes provides Best Accounts Classes in India. We provide Online Accounts Tuitions for Class 11, Class 12, B.Com, BBA, M.Com & MBA.
Φωτογραφία - Βίντεο | Πορίκης Ευστάθιος | Χαλκίδα
Ο Στάθης Πορίκης αποτυπώνει τις μοναδικές σας στιγμές σήμερα, ώστε να μείνουν για πάντα μοναδικές στο μέλλον. Φωτογραφίσεις/Βιντεοσκοπήσεις γάμων, βαφτίσεων, εκδηλώσεων.
#1 Most Affordable Cloud Accounting for SMB in Malaysia | QuickPro Solutions
QuickPro Solutions offers you cloud accounting software for small businesses in Malaysia - which track expenses, customise invoices, run reports and more, all from one place.
Jesus | AustriaNOW | Österreich
AustriaNow, dessen redaktionelle Tätigkeit nicht auf Gewinn ausgerichtet ist, bezweckt, sich vor allem für die Verbreitung christlicher Inhalte einzusetzen, um Themen zur Sprache zu bringen, die in den Mainstreammedien zu wenig Aufmerksam finden. Unser Focus richtet sich auf die Christenverfolgung,
Naz Bayatlı ile Astroloji
Naz Bayatlı ; Batı astrolojisi, Klasik astroloji ve Ezoterik astroloji alanında eğitimler veriyor ve profesyonel olarak 2010 yılından beri Astroloji Danışmanlığı yapıyor.
映像制作 | イベトライブ・エージェンシー合同会社 | Tokyo
Loja de Brinquedos | Bonekando
Bonekando é uma loja online de brinquedos colecionáveis, mini figuras, pelúcias e vestuário. Encontre Sonic The Hedgehog, Super Mario Bros, O Rei Leão, Harry Potter, Five Nights At Freddy's, Batman, Homem Aranha, Coringa e muitos outros.
Русский мир | Русский кинофестиваль | Москва
Русский кинофестиваль отражает русское мировоззрение и проводится в целях укрепления и процветания русского мира.
AppsEcommerce - Os melhores Apps para a sua loja Shopify
Aplicativos para ajudar a sua loja Shopify a vender mais. Apps de Parcelamento e recuperação de Boletos. AppsEcommerce
Dois Lados
Jéssica Senhorini e Letícia Damaris formam o duo musical Dois Lados. Sua sonoridade é uma mistura de Nova MPB com Pop Rock e suas letras exaltam o amor.
Norden 7:14 | kristen bönerörelse för Nordens räddning #Norden 714 #Sverige714
Norden 7:14 är en bedjande gräsrotsrörelse, fristående från SKR och påvens inflytande, som ropar till Gud för Sverige utifrån löftet i 2 Krönikeboken 7:14. Grundad av bibellärare Lars Enarson 2018.
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HOME | Anuário NTC 2020/21
Video Ad Agency - 2D/3D Animation - Creative Solutions - SYDESIGNS - Dubai
We make Video Ads, Creative 2D, 3D Animation, Designs & Videography for your Social Media Management. SYDESIGNS is a Full-Service Creative Agency working 24/7 for your brand visibility