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Coindrum – Making coins count

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What we do: we guide businesses from startup to exit, engaging at key transition points, applying our expertise in the critical areas that drive success.

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Ein Angebot von HS Handel & Service GmbH

komyunity - Improve work-life balance
Provide your workforce with all the great functionalities of your Genesys Workforce Management Solution, on a mobile app for agents! Today’s workforce is increasingly mobile and employees expect tools that meet their on-the-go, hyperconnected lifestyle. Imagine if your agents could use their mobile device to trade shifts, request time off or report late or sick without the need to exchange emails or phone calls with their supervisors. Komyunity can help you to bring greater efficiency and employee satisfaction to the workplace. This is a mobile app that can transform your employees work lives for the better!

Daniel Schulz - Internetauftritt
Internetauftritt von Daniel Schulz aus Straupitz