Top 2 alternative sites to

  2. ODACTRA (HDM Tablet) | ODACTRA Official Patient Website Homepage
    Official website of ODACTRA, a sublingual immunotherapy tablet for house dust mite-induced allergies, with or without conjunctivitis. Indicated for adults 18 through 65 years of age.

  4. ORALAIR® (Sweet Vernal, Orchard, Perennial Rye, Timothy, and Kentucky Blue Grass Mixed Pollens Allergen Extract) Grass Allergy Immunotherapy
    ORALAIR, a sublingual, or under the tongue, allergy immunotherapy tablet containing 5 grasses, is a convenient at-home grass allergy treatment for people with allergy symptoms due to those grasses who are looking for an alternative to allergy shots when treatment. ORALAIR has been proven to reduce allergy symptoms caused by any of the grass pollens in ORALAIR in adults, children, and adolescents ages 10 to 65 with grass allergies when treatment is started about 4 months before the grass allergy season and continued throughout the season.