Top 2 alternative sites to

  2. EYE OF THE COLLECTOR I A New Fair for a New Era I London I 8-11 September 2021 I By Nazy Vassegh
    Eye of the Collector is a next generation art fair alternative set in a historic Central London location. Works will be selected from leading galleries, dealers, designers and artists to create a space for discoveries, generating a dialogue between the art and its architectural surroundings. Eye of the Collector is an immersive selling exhibition which will provide collectors, patrons, museum curators, interior designers and press with a new way to appreciate and buy art works including sculpture, contemporary art, ceramics and design presented with a modern eye. Eye of the Collector is a new cultural event for London conceived by Nazy Vassegh.

  4. | Museo Online | Online Museum | Galería Virtual | Virtual Gallery | Arte Online | Online Art | Arte On-line | On-line Ar
    Exposiciones: pintura, escultura, fotografía, autómatas, títeres, infografía, obra gráfica, grabados... Un espacio web con salas virtuales donde exponen artistas de los más diversos estilos. Museo Online. Online Museum. Arte Online. Online Art. Arte en la red. Art on the Web. Art in Internet. Exhibits: painting, sculpture, photography, automatons... A web site with different virtual rooms where many artists exhibit their jobs.
    Author: Esernet; S L; ESERNET Diseño web y desarrollo web y de aplicaciones informáticas en Internet