Top 100 alternative sites to
Seefunkschule Dipl.-Ing. Koblmiller
GMDSS, GOC, ROC, LRC, SRC, Amateurfunk
Author: Herbert Koblmiller
Gigahertz GmbH - Gigahertz
Author: Knox County School District Tennesee; USA
Author: Sign In
GMDSS Courses and GMDSS Simulators
Improve your safety at sea for free with our online GMDSS courses and GMDSS simulators!
Gigahertz Solutions
Als Hersteller stehen wir für seriöse Messtechnik und Schutzprodukte für Elektrosmog und bieten Ihnen kompetente Beratung im eigenen Onlineshop.
Gigahertz Services
Gigahertz Optik GmbH | Innovationen der Lichtmesstechnik Gigahertz-Optik
Innovationen in der optischen Lichtmesstechnik von UV bis IR. Made in Germany von weltweit anerkannten Experten mit mehr als dreißig Jahren Erfahrung.
Gigahertz | specialisti in tecnologia
Author: Specialisti; Pretendi Il Meglio
GigaHertz Informática
GMDSS - GMDSS und Telekommunikation an Bord
GMDSS, SMCP, Allgemeinenes Betriebszeugnis für Funker (General Operator's Certificate [GOC]), Allgemeines Funkbetriebszeugnis - LRC, Beschränkt Gültiges Funkbetriebszeugnis - SRC, Seefunkzeugnisse, GMDSS für Segler
Author: Günter Schmidt
Home - SWR Marine Electronics
Consilium VDR APT, GMDSS Radio Survey
Regional Licensing Office RLO, MUMBAI WPC Wing
GMDSS GOC Renewal WPC Wing Mumbai
Author: JWA RLO Mumbai
Regional Licensing Office RLO, MUMBAI WPC Wing
GMDSS GOC Renewal WPC Wing Mumbai
Author: JWA RLO Mumbai
STOP CONTAMINACION ELECTROMAGNETICA - Stop contaminación electromagnética
Gigahertz-electrosmog expertos en contaminacion electromagnetica y electrosensibilidad, y mediciones por joan Carles López experto en geobiologia
Author: Joan Carles López Sancho Gigahertz
Consultancy for Goc Renewal, Goc Endorsement, DCE, CoC Revalidation, CDC Renewal and Passport | GMDSS Consultant
An Initiative by KeshuTravels for Indian seafarer for consulting them in Gmdss Renewal and Revalidation.
Документы для моряков Одесса | GMDSS
GMDSS - оформление документов для моряка в Одессе. Оперативно, удобно, недорого.
Gig@hertz Solutions – Dépannage informatique et smartphone à bar sur aube
Gigahertz SolutionsRéparation et dépannage infortamtiqueRéparation de votre smartphoneGigahertz Solutions vous proposent la réparation de votre smartphone toute marqueFacilité de paiementGigahertz solutions vous propose le paiement en 2, 3 ou 4 fois sans frais! Gigahertz Solutions informatique vous propose les services suivants : Réparations de matériels informatique Réparations de vos smartphones toutes marques Réparations de vos
Author: Morgan Thomin Com
MIRAD microwave AG – Gigahertz Innovation
SMT - Setzer Messtechnik
SMT - Setzer Messtechnik. Von Nanovolt bis Gigahertz. Buchenweg 4, 2362 Biedermannsdorf. +432236710479. KEITHLEY, TEKTRONIX, FUG, TOELLNER
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SIMAR | Marine Electronics | Automation | Instrumentations | GMDSS | SMDSM | Radio Survey | ECDIS | 15PPM | VISCOSITY | BALLASTS | BILGE ALA
SIMAR | Marine Electronics | Automation | Instrumentations | GMDSS | Radio Survey | Navigation | Communication | ECDIS
Ocean Signal: GMDSS | SOLAS | RescueMe persoonlijke veiligheid
Ocean Signal - Persoonlijke + draagbare veiligheidsproducten voor plezier-, beroepsvaart + professionals in maritieme werkveld. GMDSS | SOLAS
Home - Seefunkschule NRW in Düsseldorf - Funkzeugnisse für die Sportschifffahrt
Seefunkschule NRW Düsseldorf, Tages-, Wochenend- u. Abendkurse für Funkzeugnisse LRC, SRC, UBI der Sportschifffahrt. Praxistraining, Hörbücher, Prüfungsvorbereitung, Online-Funktraining
Author: André Wester; Seefunkschule NRW
Seefunk Weiss : Lehrgänge für Seefunkzeugnisse und GMDSS-Funkzeugnisse
Seefunkausbildung zur Erlangung von Seefunkzeugnissen und GMDSS-Funkzeugnissen bei ISSUS, Weiterbildung zum Allgemeinen Betriebszeugnis bei ISSUS, Ausbildung von Seefunkzeugnissen bei ISSUS.
RT Training GMDSS Radio Courses - GMDSS Marine Radio Courses from RT Training - 07968 229335
ROCC OCS, GOC, GMDSS Short Range Certificate Courses,Long Range Courses, GMDSS Restricted Operator courses, RYA Radar Course, Marine Radio Nets, Radio licencing information, marine radio courses, SSB courses,marine HF, hf email, wefax
Formación Náutica de Barcelona.Operador restringido GMDSS.Simuladores Radiocomunicaciones FNB-SMSSM.
Simuladores radiocomunicaciones recreo y profesionales GMDSS FNB-SMSSM.Curso Operador restringido.Operador General SMSSM.Radio-operador corto y largo alcance.
Navtična šola F. Arnuš | Tečaj za voditelja čolna za izpit za čoln in tečaj za vhf gmdss ter šola jadranja
Specializirano izobraževanje, izvajamo: šola jadranja, tečaj za voditelja čolna (voditelj čolna) za izpit za čoln, tečaj za vhf gmdss.
GMDSS Test equipment. Test AIS, SART, EPIRB, VHF/MF/HF Radios
GMDSS Testers intended to test AIS, SARTs, EPIRBs, Mf/HF/VHF Radios under IMO requirements for Radio Survey
Gigahertz Computer Gödöllő - Számítógép szaküzlet és szerviz
Asztali és laptop (notebook) számítógépek, számítástechnikai eszközök, alkatrészek, monitorok, nyomtatók, hálózati eszközök árusítása, karbantartása és szervizelése. Nyomtató és fénymásoló kellékanyagok. Software és hardware javítás, adatmentés.
Author: SAS Software Art Studio
Seefunk – Short Range Certificate SRC - Seefunkschule Adlmanninger
Kurse für das englische (RYA) SRC-Zeugnis für den Seefunk an 1 Tag (mit Selbststudium) oder 10 Stunden (1 Abend und 1 Tag) sowie als RYA Interactive Online-Kurs. Prüfung immer geich bei Seminarende.
Light Transmission Measurement | LED Light Meter Color Meter High Quality Light Measurement Tools
Get the right light measurement tool for your application. From light meters and radiometers to custom designed light measurement solutions, at Gigahertz-Optik, we're committed to excellence in the science of measuring light.
Danphone supplies GMDSS maritime coastal radio communication and safety systems, and Futronic maritime test equipment worldwide. support and service
NAVTEX, GMDSS,MF-HF & VHF Radio CommunicationsINVELCO S.A., is dedicated to the design, production, installation and maintenance of control systems, radio electronic communication equipments, communications systems and maritime navigation. More info NAVTEX, GMDSS,MF-HF & VHF Radio CommunicationsINVELCO S.A., is dedicated to the design, production, installation and maintenance of control systems, radio
Author: Admin
Die meistbesuchte Motorbootfahrschule in WIEN Ihre Bootsfahrschule in Wien für Donaupatent 10m u. Seenpatent 10m, Kroatisches Küstenpatent, MSVÖ Küstenpatente sowie GMDSS-Funk Patent.
Author: Markus Hechl
Westronic AS - Westronic
Westronic AS, Marine Navigation and Communication equipment in Bergen, Norway, AIS, Radar, Echosounder, speedlog, VHF, UHF, GMDSS, VDR, Ecdis, solas
Nautical Software » Boat Training Program » Gain Confidence Afloat with Our Software
RYA Shorebased Training with Software for Radar, GMDSS VHF, GPS & IRPCS Collision Regs. Build your knowledge for confidence afloat using your home PC
OSZGM - Kursy Morskie
Certyfikowany ośrodek szkoleń zawodowych gospodarki morskiej. Kursy i szkolenia dla marynarzy oraz podstawowe szkolenia dla początkujących. ECDIS, GMDSS, ARPA
SRC LRC und GMDSS die neuen Funkscheine ganzjährig bei der Segelschule Iznang
SRC, LRC GMDSS Funkzeugnis Funkzeugnisse Yachtcharter Kroatien Segelschule Segelschein Bodensee SKS Sportbootführerschein See Binnen SHS Segelschule YachtcharterBootschule, Bootsfahrschule, Bootsfahrs
BRAUN SEEFUNKAUSBILDUNG bietet GMDSS Seefunkkurse bundesweit zum Erwerb des LRC, SRC und UBI an. Die vom Ausbilder zum Thema geschriebenen Fachbücher sollten vor Beginn des Kurses erworben werden.
What else alternative websites
Simülatör Sistemleri – Köprüüstü, Makine Dairesi, Dümen Tutma, GMDSS
Gemisim Denizcilik Eğitim Yazılımları - Köprüüstü, ARPA, RADAR, Seyir/Vardiya, GMDSS ve Makine Dairesi Simülatörleri, Yangın Eğitim Merkezi, Matafora Sistemleri
Home - Marine Service, IT & Communication, Halifax, Canada : Seacoast Marine Electronics Ltd
Seacoast Marine Electronics (SME) focuses on Service, IT & Communications, GMDSS and VDR Surveys. We serve clients in Central and Eastern Canada 24/7.
Offshore | Navigate the World
Cursus Yachtman, Cursus GMDSS-SRC, Cursus Marifoon, Cursus Radar, Cursus Weather Routing, Cursus Meteorologie, Cursus Astronavigatie, Cursus Stuurbrevet
Invelco – Equipments & Systems for Radio Communications (Navtex, GMDSS, VHF, MF/HF)
NAVTEX, GMDSS, MF-HF & VHF Radio Communications INVELCO S.A., is dedicated to the design, production, installation and maintenance of control systems, radio electronic communication equipments, communications systems and maritime navigation. More info NAVTEX, GMDSS, MF-HF & VHF Radio Communications INVELCO S.A., is dedicated to the design, production, installation and maintenance of control systems, radio electronic communication
Author: Admin - Kursy i szkolenia żeglarskie, motorowodne, specjalistyczne -
Kursy i szkolenia żeglarskie, motorowodne, specjalistyczne (SRC, LRC, STCW, GMDSS - GOC, ARPA, ECDIS). Kursy doskonalące dla skipperów. Warsztaty nawigacyjne, silnikowe, bosmańskie, meteorologiczne.
Author: Jan Dziędziel
SRC Interaktiver Online-Kurs - SRC Online-Kurs
Sie können den Kurs für das GMDSS Short Range Certificate (SRC) auch bequem zu Hause in Form des RYA Interactice Course machen. Alles, was Sie dazu brauchen, ist ein PC oder Apple Computer mit Lautsprecher und Mikrofon oder ein iPad bzw. Android Tablet.
Station 53, Global VSAT Internet,Fleet Broadband, Inmarsat, Iridium, VoIP, GMDSS
Station 53, LLC provides at the least costs then other VSAT providers satellite Internet at sea, VoIP, Iridium, Inmarsat satellite phones, GMDSS and equipment to yachts and commercial vessels world-wide.
Author: Colophon New Media
Yachtschule - Nautilus Yachten
Nautilus Yachten - kompetente Beratung und umfassende nautische Ausbildungen: Küstenpatente, Küstenschifffahrtspatent, GMDSS Kurse, Prüfungen und Praxis - seit 43 Jahren das führende Ausbildungszentrum mit Erfolgsgarantie!
STSTC (Singapore) design and produce: Bridge, ARPA, ECDIS, Fishing and DP simulators, GMDSS, ERS, LCHS simulators. Our product range extends from Desktop software to Full-Mission integrated systems.
Formation et préparation au certificat VHF et GMDSS SRC, utilisation de radios DSC, EPIRB, NAVTEX, SART, pour le Certificat d'Opérateur Radio, aussi bien en vhf fluvial ATIS, qu'en vhf maritime DSC.
Home • PT. Geotindo Mitra Kencana • Survey Services
We are PT. Geotindo Mitra Kecana, Multibeam Echosounder, echo sounder, echosounder adalah, gmdss, alat survey, bathymetry, side scan sonar, swathe, gmdss adalah, bathymetry survey, hidrographic, singe beam, sonar, offshore adalah, aws, automatic weather station adalah, sbp, mesemar, aton, aids to navigation, buoy, lantern, beacon, kongsberg, kongsberg maritime, Land & Marine Survey Equipment Supply & Integration, bisa menghubungi (021) 7361571. Bathymetry. Pipeline and cable routes. Marine engineering. Search and Salvage.
Computer Assembly, Hardware Reviews, Education Sessions, IT Consultancy - One Gigahertz AB by Miyconst
ΑΦΟΙ Π&Ι ΠΑΡΙΣΣΙΝΟΥ ΑΕ, τηλ. 2109014041, 2109021618, αποκλειστικός αντιπρόσωπος ICΟΜ Inc. Ιαπωνίας, ασυρματικό υλικό, πομποδέκτες Επαγγελματικοί, MARINE, AIRBAND, PMR, Ραδιοερασιτεχνικοί, επίσης AIS, EPIRB, GMDSS, Βυθόμετρα, Ραντάρ, Πλότερ, GPS, Κεραίες
Școala de navigație -
Instructorii și membrii echipajului școlii nautice asigură pasionaților de yachting cele mai bune cursuri de pregătire teoretică și practică pentru obținerea certificatelor internaționale de conducător de ambarcațiuni de agrement clasele D, C, S si a certificatului de radio operator GMDSS-LRC)
Radio Maritime Accounting. List of Administrations, recognized AAIC EE02. List of Ships. Client’s Accounts. Radio Maritime Billing. Tallinn Radio VHF DSC Service. Coverage map. Inmarsat service. Countries, recognized PSA3038. Applications, Instructions. C-Mail sending to ship`s Inmarsat-C terminal. Inmarsat Coverage maps. Ship Tracer. GMDSS and Communication Equipment. Thrane & Thrane. Jotron AS. SBM. EPIRB programming. GMDSS sea areas. Radio Navigation. Sperry Marine. Danelec. VDR & S-VDR survey. Radio Survey. Certificates. Radio Survey List. Electronic Nautical Charts. Transas Navigator Products.
Centre de formation en navigation maritime et fluviale et en radiocommunications
ALFA-YACHTING est un centre de formations en navigation moteur et voile, en VHF et SRC/GMDSS/AIS et Radar, pour passer votre brevet de conduite restreint, général, yachtman, Chef de bord côtier et Chef de bord hauturier et vos journées de pratique (livret de service, examen pratique navigation).
Sprechfunkzeugnis für den Binnenschifffahrtsfunk (UBI)
SRC, LRC, UBI, UKW, Binnenfunk, Seefunk, Kurs, Funkkurs, Seefunkzeugnis, Betriebszeugnis, Sprechfunkzegnis, Funkschein Funkzeugnis, Wochenendkurs, Short Range Certificate, Long Range Certificate, GMDSS, EPIRB, SART, ATIS, DSC, Transponder, Radar, See, Hohe See, Seenot, Rettung, Segel, Schiff
WELCOME TO MULTIINTEGRA PT MULTIINTEGRA is a leading supplier and System Integrator in IT Navigation, Solution at Sea, Ashore & Port Terminal, Simulation & Training System, Radio Communication Including GMDSS System, Inmarsat Terminal & Service Provider. Supported by around 40 staffs with more than 15 well-trained certified engineers, Own workshop with modern measurement test setRead More
Watersport cursussen
Neptunamor, dan moet je denken aan opleidingen voor de watersport. Neptunamor symboliseert "liefde voor water", waarbij goed zeemanschap centraal staat. Belangrijke theorie cursussen zijn: vaarbewijs (KVB1, KVB2), theoretische kustnavigatie (TKN), Reis, Routering & Planning (RR&P), marifoon basiscertificaat en GMDSS module B (samen Marcom-B) die gegeven worden op diverse cursuslocaties in het land. Naast cursusaanbod waarvoor iedereen zich kan … Lees verder →
Home - Poseidon Simulation AS
Empowering maritime education Poseidon Simulation supplies maritime related educational and operational competence through products, services and local joint ventures with customers and partners worldwide. Since 1988, Poseidon has worldwide marketed and serviced its own and traded Navigational, GMDSS and other maritime simulators. During this period we have earned more than 270 individual customers located in more than 60 … Home Read More »
Other websites similar as – – Theorieopleiding Stuurbrevet/Vaarbewijs DaySkipper YachtMaster VHF – Praktijkopleiding ZEIL en MOTOR – RYA Training c sinds 2003 actief in het leveren van kwaliteitsvolle opleidingen voo de pleziervaart. Theoretische opleidingen : Stuurbrevet/Vaarbewijs, RYA DaySkipper (eq. jachtman), RYA Yachtmaster, VHF, GMDSS/SRC Praktijkopleidingen ZEIL : Initiaties, ervaringstochten, RYA Competent Crew, RYA Dayskipper Praktijkopleidingen MOTOR : motorboot, motorcruiser, (luxe) motoryacht. Erkende vaarschool : erkend als representatieve organisatie door de FOD Mobiliteit en Vervoer.
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Special Thanks For @FBConan Given Me DVD CoverGeneral Information:Name:Windows 10 _Home_Pro & Enterprise 21H1 19043.1263_x64_Sep_ 2021_Pre-ActivatedVersion/Build: 19043.1263Architecture: x64 (64 Bit)Size: 5.85GBLanguage: English_USAuthor: ShameeraActivation: Fully Activated + Activator on Desktop in case of failure.Requirements: Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or more.Free space on hard disk: 20 gigabytes (GB).Graphics adapter: graphics device Microsoft DirectX 9 or higher.Additional requirements for using some features.Touch capabilities require a tablet
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Application Fullversion Free Download
Special Thanks For @FBConan Given Me DVD CoverGeneral Information:Name:Windows 10 _Home_Pro & Enterprise 21H1 19043.1263_x64_Sep_ 2021_Pre-ActivatedVersion/Build: 19043.1263Architecture: x64 (64 Bit)Size: 5.85GBLanguage: English_USAuthor: ShameeraActivation: Fully Activated + Activator on Desktop in case of failure.Requirements: Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or more.Free space on hard disk: 20 gigabytes (GB).Graphics adapter: graphics device Microsoft DirectX 9 or higher.Additional requirements for using some features.Touch capabilities require a tablet
Author: Didink Zc
Haidang Co., Ltd. (Công ty TNHH Điện tử Viễn thông Hải Đăng)
Công ty TNHH Điện tử Viễn thông Hải Đăng phân phối sản phẩm và cung cấp giải pháp, dịch vụ kỹ thuật trên lĩnh vực: Điện tử Hàng hải (cho tàu cá và tàu biển) như máy dò cá, máy dò ngang (sonar), Radar, máy chỉ báo dòng chảy, định vị GPS, GMDSS,...
Haidang Co., Ltd. (Công ty TNHH Điện tử Viễn thông Hải Đăng)
Công ty TNHH Điện tử Viễn thông Hải Đăng phân phối sản phẩm và cung cấp giải pháp, dịch vụ kỹ thuật trên lĩnh vực: Điện tử Hàng hải (cho tàu cá và tàu biển) như máy dò cá, máy dò ngang (sonar), Radar, máy chỉ báo dòng chảy, định vị GPS, GMDSS,...
防輻射自助平台 - 瑞士 Swiss Shield 防輻射布料香港總代理, 同時為德國 YShield, Gigahertz Solutions 及法國 EPE Conseil 企業合作伙伴. MARKET80 以歐洲先進技術為客戶提供輻射資訊, 輻射檢測及各類防輻射產品包括防輻射布料, 防輻射窗簾, 防輻射被芯等等.
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