Top 100 alternative sites to
Prerana Anti-Trafficking, Mumbai
Prerana works to end second generation prostitution and to protect women and children from the threats of human trafficking by defending their rights and dignity, providing a safe environment and supporting their education and health.
Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada — Promoting human rights by protecting those who defend them
Promoting human rights by protecting those who defend them
Human Rights Foundation – The Human Rights Foundation promotes and defends human rights in Aotearoa New Zealand and abroad, through research
The Human Rights Foundation promotes and defends human rights in Aotearoa New Zealand and abroad, through research-based education and advocacy.
Author: HRF Admin
Prayas Shakti Educational Trust
Our organization is a pan India social service organization working to promote basic human rights to education, better environment, improved health and hygiene, sports activities and to bring about social reforms through education, training & awareness campaigns.
Open Society Justice Initiative - Open Society Justice Initiative
The Open Society Justice Initiative uses the law to promote and defend justice and human rights.
Home - The 2021 Human & Civil Rights Awards
We’re celebrating educators who promote and defend human and civil rights in America’s public schools.
Shakti Jewelry
At the house of Shakti we invite you to find which gemstone or amulet will assist you and meet you in this place of self-empowerment.
Hotel Shakti
We Welcomes you with the great pleasure. Hotel Shakti is situated in the heart of Dwarka city. Dwarka is world famous touriest place all over the world which is related with Lord Krishana.
United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders
United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders - Human rights defenders are ordinary people who do extraordinary things
Jogos studija "Shakti"
Mai Ram Yoga studija Shakti - jogos užsiėmimai pradedantiesiems ir pažengusiems Šiauliuose, Kuršėnuose, Kupiškyje ir Naujamiestyje | Joga vaikams ir suaugusiems
LICADHO, a Cambodian human rights NGO
Cambodian non-profit organization LICADHO protects and promote civil, political, economic, cultural & social rights to support human rights defenders and people.
سپهر عدالت
| We defend human rights!
Get Involved - Right to Life NSWRight to Life NSW | Defending the Most Basic of Human Rights
Defending the Most Basic of Human Rights
A Human Rights Organisation dedicated to defending property rights
SHAKTI: Breaking Barriers Through Empowerment
Shakti Foundation is a non-government organization committed to the economic and social empowerment of disadvantaged women across Bangladesh. It believes in realizing the potential of women to become strong, independent members of their communities. Shakti began its mission with urban microfinance programs and strategically expanded its service network to reach remote rural areas. Over the years, it has widened its range of development services to include basic health care and education, agro-business growth, solar power, skills training and advocacy.
yoga Massage Shakti Hengelo
Yoga Massage Shakti Hengelo
Moteriškumo Erdvė Shakti - Pagrindinis
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Other sites like shaktivahini org
Bine ati venit - Centrul Shakti
Ceea ce le oferim clientilor nostri este o stare completa de well-being iar echipa de specialisti care ne reprezinta transmite in fiecare moment, prin fiecare gest sau recomandare, ca ceea ce propunem este un stil de viata. Acesta este modul nostru de a schimba lumea, de a o face mai buna si mai frumoasa. […]
Hans Thoolen on Human Rights Defenders and their awards
share information on human rights defenders, with special focus on human rights awards and laureates
Martin Ennals Awards - Honors Human Rights Defenders
The Martin Ennals Award honours individuals and organizations who have shown exceptional commitment defending and promoting human rights, despite the risks involved.
صفحه اصلی - جمعیت حقوقدانان ایرانی مدافع حقوق بشر - دارای مقام مشورتی ویژه از شورای اقتصادی و اجتماعی سازمان ملل متحد
Association of Iranian Jurists Defending Human Rights
Al Mariam's Commentaries
Defend Human Rights, Speak Truth to Power
Author: Almariam
The Human Rights Defenders Project ⋆ Supporting defenders at risk in Guatemala
Serving human rights defenders at risk in Guatemala
Author: Hugo Lima
Shakti & Sargam Indische Kultur und mehr
Shakti und Sargam: Indische Kunst,
Author: Shakti; Sargam
Yogabliss-Shaktis väg från stillhet till kraft
Yogaworkshops, retreats i Goa & på Gotland
Mi Shakti Yoga » ...for your body, mind and soul
Mi-shakti yoga - for your body, mind and soul.
Home Page - FreedomLab
Welcome to FreedomLab A virtual gathering place for human rights defenders About Freedom Lab is a virtual gathering place for human rights defenders. Here you will find a repository of training materials, tutorials, and digital tools, all tailored to your needs and requirements. Freedom Lab is a space to connect with other human rights defenders, […]
Home - Chris Collier Human Rights Consultancy
Facilitation, training, project management, evaluations and lobby and advocacy related to human rights and human rights defenders.
奥运会视频-奥运会回放视频-奥运会视频直播-Human Rights House Foundation
Human Rights House Foundation protects, empowers and supports human rights defenders and their organisations locally, and unites them in an international network of Human Rights Houses
Human Rights House Foundation | Empowering Human Rights Defenders
Human Rights House Foundation protects, empowers and supports human rights defenders and their organisations locally, and unites them in an international network of Human Rights Houses
KALI - Durga - Shaktismus - Göttin - Shakti
SHAKTI - Zentrum für Yoga und Ayurveda Rapperswil SG
Willkommen im SHAKTI - Yogazentrum und Zentrum für Ayurveda in Rapperswil SG. Kurse in Yin-Yoga, Ayur-Yoga, Jnana-Yoga, Meditation. Ayurvedische Massagen und Kochkurse. Workshops und Retreats.
Author: Heike Klingebiel; Christoph Steinbach
Associazione Yoga Shakti A.S.D. Civitanova Marche
Sito dell'Associazione Yoga Shakti A.S.D. , di Civitanova Marche.
Civil Rights Defenders
A peaceful and safe world, with freedom and justice for all! Civil Rights Defenders defends people’s civil and political rights. We partner with and support human rights defenders who work in some of the world’s most repressive regions.
Safeguard Defenders |
Safeguard Defenders is an NGO that undertakes and supports local field activities that contribute to the protection of human rights and promotion of the rule of law in some of the most hostile environments in Asia.
Stand up to power with Canada's defender of human rights and freedoms.
SHAKTI COSMETICS | Produits cosmétiques vegan pour le corps et le visage
SHAKTI COSMETICS offre une gamme de produits de soins pour la peau performants, respectueux de la santé, de l'environnement et des animaux. Vegan et naturel
What else alternative websites
Ecole Adi Vajra Shakti Yoga | AVSY | France
Page d'accueil de l'école Adi Vajra Shakti Yoga, Obtenir son diplôme de moniteur et professeur de Hatha Yoga. Obtenir son diplôme de moniteur et professeur de Adi Vjra Shakti Yoga Yoga.
India Himalayas trips | Luxury Himalayan holidays - Shakti
IWGIA - IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs
IWGIA -International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting, protecting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Since 1968, IWGIA has cooperated with Indigenous Peoples' organisations and international institutions to promote recognition and implementatio
Author: Toolmaster dk
Human Rights Foundation
Human Rights Foundation is a foundation for human rights which promotes and protects all human rights and fundamental freedoms worldwide.
Author: Zoltán Kondér — https; Humanrights Foundation; Founder Html
European Digital Rights (EDRi)
European Digital Rights (EDRi) is the biggest European network defending rights and freedoms online. We promote, protect and uphold human rights and the rule of law in the digital environment, including the right to privacy, data protection, freedom of expression and information.
Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights
{:de}Im Einsatz für die Menschenrechte in Belarus und der Ukraine.{:en}Defending Human Rights in Belarus and Ukraine.{:}
Human Dignity Trust
We use the law to defend the human rights of LGBT people globally
Numina Institute
The Numina Institute is dedicated to the reawakening and preservation of the feminine principle and the Sacred Feminine within the personal and collective human psyche and in all aspects of human life.
Author: Numina Institute
Defense for Children Palestine
Our mission is to promote and protect the human rights of Palestinian children. We defend children’s rights three ways: offering free legal aid, documenting violations of international law, and advocating for greater protections.
Defense for Children Palestine
Our mission is to promote and protect the human rights of Palestinian children. We defend children’s rights three ways: offering free legal aid, documenting violations of international law, and advocating for greater protections.
| DHRLab
The Digital Human Rights Lab (DHRLab) enhances the work of human rights defenders in Uganda. Read about our projects, community and more on our page.
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy
Defending Human Rights and Empowering DefendersTCHRD is an NGO committed to advancing human rights and democracy in Tibet and the exiled Tibetan community by empowering Tibetan human rights advocates and monitoring, documenting, and campaigning against human rights abuses.བོད་ཡིག中文
ASF Home - ASF
Avocats Sans Frontières is an international NGO specialised in defending human rights and supporting justice.
Dropbox Foundation
The Dropbox Foundation partners with impactful organizations that defend human rights around the world.
UNDC Diplomatic Committee Association in London,Human Right Defenders,Diplomatic Mission
UNDC Diplomatic Committee Association in London,Human Right Defenders,Diplomatic Mission
- Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Commission
Promoting and Protecting Human Rights in Newfoundland and Labrador The Newfoundland and Labrador Human Rights Commission is an independent government agency responsible for promoting and protecting human rights in the province. We do this by: Administering the Human Rights Act Investigating and resolving human rights complaints Giving legal information to individuals, groups and organizations who are […]
International Service for Human Rights
The International Service for Human Rights is an independent, non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting and protecting human rights.
奥运会足球比分-奥运会比赛结果-即时比分-Utah Olympic Legacy Foundation
The International Service for Human Rights is an independent, non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting and protecting human rights.
David Oxley - Home
The home of David Oxley, threat intelligence leader, human rights defender, and all-around nerd.
International Commission of Jurists
Advocates for Justice and Human Rights. Since 1952 the ICJ has performed a unique and prominent role as a nongovernmental organization (NGO) defending human rights and the rule of law worldwide.
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Peace Brigades International: PBI
PBI works to protect Human Rights Defenders, ordinary people and groups who face death threats, intimidation, detention and harassment because of their peaceful work in defence of Human Rights.
Human Rights Law Centre
The Human Rights Law Centre (HRLC) is a fearless, independent organisation that protects and promotes human rights in Australia.
Author: Aug
Internet Rights and Principles Coalition – Committed to making Internet work for human rights
Promoting human rights as digital rights Home of the Charter of Human Rights and Principles for the Internet Join us We are an open network of individuals and o
Chapter Four | Protecting Civil Liberties & Promoting Human Rights for All
Protecting Civil Liberties & Promoting Human Rights for All
Rightshouse | We are committed to the promotion of human rights and democracy.
We are committed to the promotion of human rights and democracy.
The Norwegian Human Rights Fund
The Norwegian Human Rights Fund (NHRF) works to protect and promote human rights internationally through direct support to organisations working in the first line of defence for human rights.
奥运会足球比分-奥运会买足球推荐-奥运会在线直播-International Federation for Human Rights
FIDH federates 192 Human Rights NGOs. Since 1922, FIDH fights for Freedom, Justice, Democracy and denounces human rights violations. The FIDH defends all the rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
IHRCI || Internatinal Human Rights Council Of India ||HOME
Best Human Rights Organazation In India
Yukon Human Rights Commission
The Yukon Human Rights Commission promotes equality and diversity through research, education and enforcement of the Yukon Human Rights Act.
Human Rights Connected | Knowledge for Action
Knowledge for Action Human Rights Connected | Working to increase the understanding of human rights and civil resistance to encourage and strengthen civil society involvement in the promotion and protection of human rights.
Investor Alliance for Human Rights
The Investor Alliance for Human Rights connects institutional investors with the tools and strategies to promote human rights and responsible business conduct.
Home - iFreedoms Kenya
iFreedoms Kenya protects & promotes human rights & media rights online in Kenya.
Author: July
Art to Change the World
The specific purpose of the non-profit Art To Change the World is to create opportunities for partnerships to defend human and civil rights.
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Selective Memory - harold sikkema
Northern Virginia Bahá'í Center
ZAINAB (as) Organization of Greater Seattle
MFM UK Headquarters, Edmonton, London – The International Headquarters of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries in the United Kingdom
II KCHB w Gdańsku
More other alternatives for shaktivahini org
- Mon église pour un nouveau départ !
Votre Eglise à Quimper est un lieu de rencontre et de prière accueillant, vivant et actuel. C'est là que vous avez rendez-vous pour vivre et partager votre foi!
Renewal Retreat Centre Bangalore
Renewal Retreat Centre, a Christian spiritual organization with compassionate love in abundance to glorify His name and to sanctify Bangalore and its people
St. Ignatius Parish, Mobile
Catholic Diocese of Sagar
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish – Catholic Church and Elementary School in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Author: Immaculate Heart; Ohio
Sehion UK Ministries – For the Church and for Jesus
Internationale Christengemeinde Freiburg – Unsere Gemeinde ist offen für alle
Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii – Jodo Shinshu Buddhism in the Islands
Redemption Ministries – Church of the First Born
Home - Victory Faith Church in the Garden, Nairobi - Kenya
In-Person Service Registration Our church is all about loving others first. We welcome you to experience the love of **** in Spirit-led praise and worship and in the teaching and preaching of the Word of ****. As you may be aware, the government has issued public safety guidelines which apply to all those attending church […]
Wołczyn dla Jezusa
SBH Schweiz – Spina Bifida und Hydrocephalus Schweiz
Tv Vidas Transformadas – Entre em nosso canal e fique atualizado, diariamente, novos videos.
Islamic Center of Morrisville – Many Skin Colors. One Ummah. No Racism in Islam
St. Mina Coptic Orthodox Church – St. Mina Coptic Orthodox Church
Kundrathu Kumaran Temple – Rockbank Murugan Temple
Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New York & New England
Muzicka Omladina
方濟·友約 – Franciscans
International Central Gospel Church – Virginia – Fulfillment Temple