Top 2 alternative sites to

  2. Shenzhen Citops Communication System Inc.
    Shenzhen Citops Communication System Inc. (Short as Citops System) is the leading integrated video communicated system solution provider, incorporates search and development, design, production and sales. Providing advanced overall security monitoring products and premium service. Devoted to providing Citops solution based on video security monitoring for different fields such a Finance, Public transportation, Transport, Education, Consumer, Justice system, Telecom, Police, etc. Serve customers all over the world with best efficiency, highest security and best service.

  4. VECOW | Vecow - Wide Temperature Fanless Embedded Computing System, Machine Vision, Video Analytics Surveillance, Intelligent Industrial Aut
    Vecow has been devoted to designing and developing high quality products with innovative technology since it was founded. Our application fields of Machine Vision and Imaging, Video Analytics Surveillance, Intelligent Industrial Automation, and GigE Vision are credited to Vecow high-efficient design service. 超恩提供嵌入式電腦與工業自動化的解決方案, 產品涵蓋工業電腦, GigE Imaging, 物聯網, 雲端計算, 巨量資料, 機器視覺, 嵌入式系統, 工業用I/O, 資料擷取模組, 工業用寬溫記憶體模組, 監控系統等。除擁有自主技術發展品牌標準系列之外,超恩亦可配合用戶端的應用需求,結合自有製造團隊,提供客戶高度客製化之產品及服務。超恩提供嵌入式电脑与工业自动化的解决方案, 产品涵盖工业电脑, GigE Imaging, 物联网, 云端计算, 巨量资料, 机器视觉, 嵌入式系统, 工业用I/O, 资料撷取模组, 工业用宽温记忆体模组, 监控系统等。除拥有自主技术发展品牌标准系列之外,超恩亦可配合用户端的应用需求,结合自有制造团队,提供客户高度客制化之产品及服务。