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  2. Psychologische Beratung, Coaching, Atem- & Körpertherapie
    Eigene Ressourcen entdecken, Achtsamkeit fördern, Resilienz aufbauen, neue Ziele & Wünsche definieren, Lösungen erarbeiten und selbstkompetent umsetzen

  4. Psychologische Beratung, Coaching, Atem- & Körpertherapie
    Eigene Ressourcen entdecken, Achtsamkeit fördern, Resilienz aufbauen, neue Ziele & Wünsche definieren, Lösungen erarbeiten und selbstkompetent umsetzen

    Manchmal braucht es einen Blick von außen, um einen Schritt voranzukommen. Ich biete Ihnen professionelle Unterstützung bei der Gestaltung Ihrer Unternehmenskultur, Impulsvorträge für Ihre Veranstaltung oder Business Coaching im Einzelsetting für mehr Klarheit im Kopf.

  8. 1170 Wien | Psychotherapeutische Praxis Stephan Mantsch | Wien
    Psychotherapie | Coaching | Supervision | Lehre: Begleitung und Unterstützung für Erwachsene, Kinder, Jugendliche, Familien. Ressourcen entdecken, Handlungsmöglichkeiten erweitern und das eigene Leben positiv gestalten. Psychotherapeutische Praxis in Hernals

  10. Achtsamkeit,The Work Hamburg, Websitetexte, Stefanie Breme, PR Artikel, Hamburg - Stefanie-Breme-Coaching-Journalismus-Reconnection-Achtsamk
    Die eigene Website als authentischer Selbstausdruck braucht innere Klarheit. Coaching mit Achtsamkeit und The Work Hamburg lassen das Erstellen der eigenen Website zu einem tiefen Klärungsprozess werden.

  12. Susanne Löffler, SL-Coaching – Coaching – Begleitung – Mentoring
    Brauchen Sie Unterstützung bei beruflichen und privaten Veränderungen, Klärung und Neuorientierung in schwierigen Lebenssituationen oder bei der Bewältigung von Ängsten? Sei es im Umgang mit belastenden Lebenssituationen, Überlastungen, Problemen am Arbeitsplatz, Abgrenzungsschwierigkeiten, Stressmanagement oder Prüfungsvorbereitungen. Als Coach helfe ich Ihnen gerne dabei herauszufinden, was Ihre Wünsche und Ziele sind und wie Sie diese mit Ihren eigenen Ressourcen…

  14. Psychotherapie | Tiefenbacher
    Hakuna Matata. ... die Sorgen bleiben dir fern. Leider ist es in der Realität nicht immer wie im Disney Film und man stellt manchmal fest, dass zur Bewältigung der eigenen Probleme, professionelle Unterstützung hilfreich sein könnte. Um gemeinsam neue Lösungswege zu entdecken biete ich ambulante Psychotherapie an.

  16. Ich bin autark. - autark | autark
    Das Bedürfnis, autark bzw. unabhängig zu sein, hat trotz zunehmender (virtueller) Vernetzung eher zugenommen. Oder gerade deswegen? Weshalb sonst streben moderne, aktive Frauen heute vermehrt nach einem eigenständigen Profil und grösserer Unabhängigkeit? Weshalb nimmt die Bedeutung einer harmonischen Lebensweise und rücksichtsvollen Nutzung der Natur und ihrer Ressourcen immer mehr zu? Weil autarke Frauen schon immer Continue Reading »

  18. Herzlich Willkommen - schön, dass du hier bist ! - valeska-teschners Webseite!
    Neuorientierung in Übergangsphasen Unterstützung und Begleitung in krisenhaften Lebenssituationen Prozessunterstützung bei Bewältigung innerer wie äußerer Konflikte Wahrnehmen und Verlassen von überholten Handlungsmustern Erkennen und Auflösen von blockierenden Gedankenmustern Veränderung emotionaler Belastungen ( Ängsten etc.) Stagnation im eigenen Leben in Bewegung bringen Herausfinden von Entwicklungspotentialen Aufbau von Ressourcen/ Stärkung der eigenen Resilienz sozialpädagogische Beratung mehr Info

  20. Papilio-Coachingwerkstatt Nicole Glaser - Systemisches Coaching
    Systemische Beratung, Coaching und Seminare „Wir brauchen uns nicht immer wieder zu ändern es genügt vollkommen, wenn wir uns entfalten!“(Ernst Ferstl) Sie sind unzufrieden und suchen nach Klarheit und neuen Perspektiven?Sie stehen vor Veränderungen und suchen professionelle Begleitung?Sie wollen Ihre eigenen Talente, Stärken und Potentiale entfalten?Sie wünschen sich mehr Leichtigkeit und
    Author: Admin

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    Willkommen bei Rita Scholl Born Einzel- Paar- und Familientherapeutin SYSTEMIS – Stressbewältigungskurse MBSR Ziele einer psychologischen Beratung / Therapie / Coaching aufzeigen neuer Lösungswege Begleitung und Unterstützung in schwierigen Lebensphasen Klarheit und Orientierung in konfusen Situationen Stärkung der eigenen Kräfte, Fähigkeiten und Ressourcen neue Bewältigungsstrategien durcharbeiten von Konflikten sich selber besser kennen zu lernen differenzierteres Wahrnehmen eigener Bedürfnisse

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    Möchtest du dich endlich rundum wohl fühlen? Dann bringe Körper, Seele und Geist in die Balance. Löse dich von alten Mustern, Traumata und Blockaden, damit du in Zukunft ein erfülltes, erfolgreiches, liebevolles und gesundes Leben geniessen kannst. Mit deiner Hilfe und der Unterstützung der Auratechnik, kannst du diesen Zustand für immer in dein Leben holen. Du bist dein eigener Schöpfer! Habe Vertrauen und tauche ein in das SEIN, denn darin wirst auch du dein MEHR entdecken.

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    Auf der eigenen Internetseite das Lieblingshobby präsentieren, mit einem aufregenden Themen-Blog im Web für Furore sorgen oder sich mit einem kleinen feinen Online-Shop online selbständig machen, immer mehr Menschen zeigen im WorldWideWeb, was in Ihnen steckt. Doch um anderen Internetnutzern auch deutlich ins Auge zu springen braucht man online vor allem eins: eine aussagekräftige Webadresse! Wie Sie spielend leicht an eine markante Domain kommen? Mit unseren Tipps überhaupt kein Problem!Die Domain ist so wichtig wie der eigene Nachname!Unser Nachname ist eines unserer wichtigsten Wiedererkennungsmerkmale, da wird wohl jeder zustimmen.
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  30. Chiropractic Services Beaumont KY | CORE Health Center Beaumont KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Beaumont KY with the highest level of chiropractic services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractic services that will help each and every one of our Beaumont KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  32. Chiropractor Services Hamburg KY | CORE Health Center Beaumont KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Hamburg KY with the highest level of chiropractor services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractor services that will help each and every one of our Hamburg KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  34. Grayson KY Air Conditioning Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour Air Conditioning repair service when unexpected air conditioning problems arise. Our qualified Grayson KY Air Conditioning repair team of expert technicians are also ready to provide you with prevention and maintenance services for your residential or commercial Grayson KY Air Conditioning units.

  36. Boyd County KY Heating Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour heating repair service when unexpected heating problems arise.

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  38. Ashland KY Heating Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour heating repair service when unexpected heating problems arise.

  40. Chiropractor Services Sadieville KY | CORE Health Center Gorgetown KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Sadieville KY with the highest level of chiropractor services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractor services that will help each and every one of our Sadieville KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  42. Chiropractor Services Stamping Ground KY | CORE Health Center Gorgetown KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Stamping Ground KY with the highest level of chiropractor services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractor services that will help each and every one of our Stamping Ground KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  44. Ironton OH Heating Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour heating repair service when unexpected heating problems arise.

  46. Chiropractor Services Midway KY | CORE Health Center Beaumont KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Midway KY with the highest level of chiropractor services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractor services that will help each and every one of our Midway KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  48. Grayson KY Heating Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour heating repair service when unexpected heating problems arise.

  50. South Point OH Air Conditioning Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour Air Conditioning repair service when unexpected air conditioning problems arise. Our qualified South Point OH Air Conditioning repair team of expert technicians are also ready to provide you with prevention and maintenance services for your residential or commercial South Point OH Air Conditioning units.

  52. Chiropractic Services Hamburg KY | CORE Health Center Beaumont KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Hamburg KY with the highest level of chiropractic services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractic services that will help each and every one of our Hamburg KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  54. Chiropractic Services Stamping Ground KY | CORE Health Center Georgetown KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Stamping Ground KY with the highest level of chiropractic services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractic services that will help each and every one of our Stamping Ground KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  56. Chiropractor Services Catlettsburg KY | CORE Health Center Ashland KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Catlettsburg KY with the highest level of chiropractor services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractor services that will help each and every one of our Catlettsburg KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

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  62. Ashland KY Air Conditioning Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour Air Conditioning repair service when unexpected air conditioning problems arise. Our qualified Ashland KY Air Conditioning repair team of expert technicians are also ready to provide you with prevention and maintenance services for your residential or commercial Ashland KY Air Conditioning units.

  64. Chiropractor Services Beaumont KY | CORE Health Center Beaumont KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Beaumont KY with the highest level of chiropractor services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractor services that will help each and every one of our Beaumont KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

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  68. Chiropractor Services Ashland KY | CORE Health Center Ashland KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Ashland KY with the highest level of chiropractor services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractor services that will help each and every one of our Ashland KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  70. Louisa KY Heating Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour heating repair service when unexpected heating problems arise.

  72. Chiropractic Services Greenup KY | CORE Health Center Ashland KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Greenup KY with the highest level of chiropractic services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractic services that will help each and every one of our Greenup KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  74. South Point OH Heating Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour heating repair service when unexpected heating problems arise.

  76. Chiropractor Services Flatwoods KY | CORE Health Center Ashland KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Flatwoods KY with the highest level of chiropractor services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractor services that will help each and every one of our Flatwoods KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

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  78. Chiropractic Services Ashland KY | CORE Health Center Ashland KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Ashland KY with the highest level of chiropractic services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractic services that will help each and every one of our Ashland KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  80. Chiropractic Services Flatwoods KY | CORE Health Center Ashland KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Flatwoods KY with the highest level of chiropractic services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractic services that will help each and every one of our Flatwoods KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  82. Chiropractor Services Georgetown KY | CORE Health Center Gorgetown KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Georgetown KY with the highest level of chiropractor services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractor services that will help each and every one of our Georgetown KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  84. Chiropractic Services Ironton OH | CORE Health Center Ashland KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Ironton OH with the highest level of chiropractic services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractic services that will help each and every one of our Ironton OH patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  86. Louisa KY Air Conditioning Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour Air Conditioning repair service when unexpected air conditioning problems arise. Our qualified Louisa KY Air Conditioning repair team of expert technicians are also ready to provide you with prevention and maintenance services for your residential or commercial Louisa KY Air Conditioning units.

  88. Chiropractic Services Grayson KY | CORE Health Center Ashland KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Grayson KY with the highest level of chiropractic services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractic services that will help each and every one of our Grayson KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

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  92. Chiropractic Services Georgetown KY | CORE Health Center Georgetown KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Georgetown KY with the highest level of chiropractic services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractic services that will help each and every one of our Georgetown KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

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  96. Chiropractor Services Ironton OH | CORE Health Center Ashland KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Ironton OH with the highest level of chiropractor services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractor services that will help each and every one of our Ironton OH patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

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  102. Chiropractor Services Grayson KY | CORE Health Center Ashland KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Grayson KY with the highest level of chiropractor services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractor services that will help each and every one of our Grayson KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  104. Ironton OH Air Conditioning Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour Air Conditioning repair service when unexpected air conditioning problems arise. Our qualified Ironton OH Air Conditioning repair team of expert technicians are also ready to provide you with prevention and maintenance services for your residential or commercial Ironton OH Air Conditioning units.

  106. Chiropractor Services Russell KY | CORE Health Center Ashland KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Russell KY with the highest level of chiropractor services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractor services that will help each and every one of our Russell KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  108. Chiropractic Services Russell KY | CORE Health Center Ashland KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Russell KY with the highest level of chiropractic services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractic services that will help each and every one of our Russell KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  110. Chiropractic Services Catlettsburg KY | CORE Health Center Ashland KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Catlettsburg KY with the highest level of chiropractic services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractic services that will help each and every one of our Catlettsburg KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  112. Huntington WV Air Conditioning Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour Air Conditioning repair service when unexpected air conditioning problems arise. Our qualified Huntington WV Air Conditioning repair team of expert technicians are also ready to provide you with prevention and maintenance services for your residential or commercial Huntington WV Air Conditioning units.

  114. Portsmouth OH Air Conditioning Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour Air Conditioning repair service when unexpected air conditioning problems arise. Our qualified Portsmouth OH Air Conditioning repair team of expert technicians are also ready to provide you with prevention and maintenance services for your residential or commercial Portsmouth OH Air Conditioning units.

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  116. Chiropractic Services Paris KY | CORE Health Center Georgetown KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Paris KY with the highest level of chiropractic services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractic services that will help each and every one of our Paris KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  118. Portsmouth OH Heating Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour heating repair service when unexpected heating problems arise.

  120. Chiropractic Services Sadieville KY | CORE Health Center Georgetown KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Sadieville KY with the highest level of chiropractic services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractic services that will help each and every one of our Sadieville KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  122. Chiropractic Services Midway KY | CORE Health Center Beaumont KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Midway KY with the highest level of chiropractic services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractic services that will help each and every one of our Midway KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  124. Chiropractor Services Lexington KY | CORE Health Center Beaumont KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Lexington KY with the highest level of chiropractor services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractor services that will help each and every one of our Lexington KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  126. Greenup KY Heating Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour heating repair service when unexpected heating problems arise.

  128. Boyd County KY Air Conditioning Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour Air Conditioning repair service when unexpected air conditioning problems arise. Our qualified Boyd County KY Air Conditioning repair team of expert technicians are also ready to provide you with prevention and maintenance services for your residential or commercial Boyd County KY Air Conditioning units.

  130. Greenup KY Air Conditioning Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour Air Conditioning repair service when unexpected air conditioning problems arise. Our qualified Greenup KY Air Conditioning repair team of expert technicians are also ready to provide you with prevention and maintenance services for your residential or commercial Greenup KY Air Conditioning units.

  132. Chiropractor Services Paris KY | CORE Health Center Gorgetown KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Paris KY with the highest level of chiropractor services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractor services that will help each and every one of our Paris KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

  134. Russell KY Air Conditioning Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour Air Conditioning repair service when unexpected air conditioning problems arise. Our qualified Russell KY Air Conditioning repair team of expert technicians are also ready to provide you with prevention and maintenance services for your residential or commercial Russell KY Air Conditioning units.

  136. Huntington WV Heating Repair | Polar Bear Heating & Air
    Polar Bear Heating & Air of Ashland KY is here to provide you with prompt, 24 hour heating repair service when unexpected heating problems arise.

  138. Chiropractic Services Lexington KY | CORE Health Center Beaumont KY
    At CORE Health Centers, we believe that every human being should experience a pain free life. It is our mission to provide our patients throughout and around Lexington KY with the highest level of chiropractic services and rehabilitative care available. It is our goal to provide convenient, cost effective chiropractic services that will help each and every one of our Lexington KY patients reduce levels of pain, restore proper function, and most of all, get back to living a full and active life!

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