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VAT API | EU & UK, VAT Rates, Number Validation & Compliant Invoicing API
VAT API is a leading EU vat api. Retrieve up-to date vat rates, validate EU vat numbers, calculate vat prices and produce compliant vat invoices for your business.
VAT Sense - Free UK & EU VAT Number Validation API, EU VAT rates API
Free and secure instant VAT API and UK & EU VAT number validation API. Australian, Norway, Switzerland VAT number validation. EU VAT rates API and VAT compliant invoices API for developers & businesses.
Author: VAT Sense
VAT VALIDATOR - Bulk VAT Number Validation Service & API
Bulk VAT Number Validation Service with VAT Number Validation API. Check Multiple VIES VAT Numbers at once, absolutely easy! Bulk VAT Number Validater API
Author: Inno Coders
Express API Validation Essentials
You know there must be a better way to handle validation in your Express APIs, but you don't know what it is.
Phonebooth - API för validering av telefonnummer
Phonebooth är ett REST-API som hjälper dig att validera nummer både till mobiltelefoner och det fasta nätet.
Author: Finn Hensner
Real Email - Validation API
Email validation API. Check if an email address is valid to protect marketing email reputation bounce rate and prevent spam.
Currency Exchange Rate API - Get Exchange Rates API
Use the Free Get Exchange Rates API to convert currencies in real-time and retrieve simple currency exchange rates in JSON format.
Rates Exchange API
Free exchange currencies converter API
Swift Email Verifier API | Email validation API
Reduce email bounces and complaints
Email Address Validation Service & API
Validate email addresses with ease, one-by-one or in bulk. Sift out the junk emails from your sending list.
ValidKey : Key Validation Services and API
Exchange rate API | Currency conversion API
Fast currency converter API | Fast foreign exchange rate API | Our currency conversion API is REALLY fast. Real-time JSON REST API for 145+ World Currencies with an average response of just 21ms.
Currency Exchange Rates API
Exchange rate API for live and historical currency rates and currency conversion, supporting 40+ currencies. Data updated every second and ability to request up to data up to the minute
Free International Phone Number Validation API
Convert any local phone number to the standard international phone number and validate, based on personal name and phone number formatting.
VIN code validation and analysis API - Vinalyzer
Validate VIN code format and analyze VIN code content. Vinalyzer can tell you more than you think. Our REST API is fast, simple and free.
Author: Zdeněk Novotný scatter cz
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Malaysia Prepaid Credit API, Malaysia Topup APi, Reload API, Top Up System, SMS Top Up Prepaid, Maxis ereload, DiGi Flexi e-load, Celcom easy reload Online, SIM Application Toolkit, Recharge System, SIM Card,Topup Business
Author: Kent Lee
Top Rated CBD Oils • CBD Validator
Search through the largest database in the world to find the best CBD oil for you based on quality, price, safety, and more.
Author: Dr Robert Portman
SWOP - Currency Exchange Rate API
Transparent, secure, fast and easy-to-use GraphQL and REST foreign currency exchange rate and currency conversion API
Mosses – Mosses
Just another WordPress site
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Email Validation API - Verify Email Address | MailboxValidator
MailboxValidator email validation clean email lists and reduces bounce. It connects to the mail server and checks whether the mailbox exists or not.
Email Verifier API: Email Address Verification/Validation
Enterprise Grade Cloud Hosted Email Verification. Clean Email Lists, Verify Single Emails or Validate in Real-time. Deployed and Trusted by 1000's of businesses.
Moss – Moss-Shop
Handmade leather handbags - designed, printed and stitched in Cape Town from locally sourced leather
MOSS - You Go Moss
Genability - Electricity Cost and Rate APIs | Genability
Genability delivers the most accurate savings information for providers and consumers of solar, energy storage, electric vehicles and smart appliances.
APImetrics - API Metrics - Ranks, Ratings, Performance
API performance metrics code-free solution: monitoring, security , status reports, rankings, from APImetrics the #1 API Intelligence Platform for API Dependents
Author: APImetrics Info
Foreign exchange rates and currency conversion API
Fixer provides a free, simple, and lightweight API for current and historical foreign exchange rates and currency conversion. The API tracks rates published daily by the European Central Bank.
Moss Walls & Moss Art | Artisan Moss
Bring the 100% Natural Beauty of Moss Walls & Moss Art to your home or business. Shop online or let us customize a design just for you.
Aquatic Moss. How to grow Aquatic Moss. Info on Java Moss, Christmas Moss, Taiwan Moss, Peacock Moss, Stringy Moss
Informations about aquatic moss, aquarium moss, Vesicularia dubyana. Cultivation of Java Moss, Christmas Moss. This site provides all information about the cultivation of the different aquatic moss, aquarium moss, available to all hobbyist in order to create a nature aquarium.
Postal Code Validation API | Zip Code Services™
Find zip codes in a radius, Find the distance between zip codes, Find zip code geolocation data with Zip Code Services™.
Bulk Email Address Verification and Validation API - Bouncer Checker
Email verification done right, so you can focus on your business!
Author: Lidia
BetFair API - A Website where you can get betfair API at reasonable rate
Free information about live game scores from API, VRNL provides you accurate information about all sports!
Commodities-API | Free Oil, Coffee, Wheat & Commodities Rates JSON API
Commodities-API provides a free, simple, and lightweight API for current and historical Commodities rates and currency conversion.
Sea Moss Products - All Things Sea Moss
GTA's premier supplier of Sea Moss Gel and Sea Moss Products.Fresh to order including Sea Moss Desserts, Smoothies, Beauty, Skin & Hair Care, Sea Moss Gummies.
Author: All Things Sea Moss
Cedar & Moss – Cedar and Moss
Cedar and Moss. Fine Modern and Midcentury Lighting & Hardware made to order in Portland, Oregon. Artisan light fixtures handcrafted with high-quality brass, wood and ceramic parts.
Moss-space | Moss-space
Ian Moss Official Website. Ian Moss is one of Australia’s iconic musicians, respected as a guitar soloist, songwriter and singer. Ian's new self-titled album is available now.
Moss Acres - Live Moss for Sale
Moss Acres ships several species of live moss for landscaping, moss lawns, and for gardening with moss throughout the U.S.
Moss Hardware - Welcome to Moss Hardware
What else alternative websites
Moss MediaHomepage – Moss Media
Moss Media, providing digital marketing and content creation solutions for small to medium business as well as photography services for weddings, events, portfolio, profiles and any other areas you can think of.
Albertine & Moss – Albertine & Moss
Moss Automation - Moss Automation
Filadelfia Moss | Menighet | Moss
Velkommen til Filadelfia Moss sin hjemmeside! Her finner du informasjon om hvem vi er, våre møter, misjon og hvordan du kan kontakte oss.
Moss-dagblad.noHjemmeside -
I dag er det stadig viktigere å holde seg oppdatert på det som skjer i samfunnet. Større informasjonsflyt enn det noensinne har vært tidligere gjør at man må jobbe stadig hardere for å holde seg oppdatert. Dette gjelder både de nyhetene som skjer rundt omkring i verden, men også på det økonomiske plan. Det skjer …
Author: Maja
Moss & Rygge Golfklubb i Moss
Velkommen til Moss & Rygge Golfklubb.
MITT MOSS - Nyheter fra Moss og Rygge
Nyheter fra Moss og Rygge
Moss Seilforening - Moss Seilforening
MS - Moss Seilforening
Gaia Sea Moss – Gaia Sea Moss
The UK’s No1 Provider Of 100% Organic Wild Crafted Sun Dried Sea Moss/ Sea Moss Gel. Free Nationwide DPD Fully Tracked Delivery.
Ropa clásica de hombre
Moss is a literary journal of writing from the Pacific Northwest, published annually since 2014.
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No Moss
The rolling stone gathers no moss, Health products that leave no trace on the earth and remove built up toxins (moss) in your body. Sustainable **** clothing and health based organic tea blends. All to help the planet and save us from disaster. Love our planet earth, reduce our waste. No waste, no trace.
MOSS is a Free to use Anti-cheat for most of the FPS competitive games. Moss is unique for it's wide games support and macros detections features
Author: Syzdem
The Moss
Moss GU
Code matters.
Author: Moss GU No Magic
Ellen Moss
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Foreign exchange rates and currency conversion JSON API
FCS API is the best platform that provides a free forex rates, historical exchange rates and currency converter JSON API in USA, UK, Canada, Japan and more
CurrencyScoop - Real-Time and Historical Currency Rates API
CurrencyScoop is a developer-friendly REST API with real-time and historical exchange rates for 168 world currencies and 1600 cryptocurrencies.
Free Currency Conversion and Forex Exchange Rate API
Free Currency Conversion API and Forex Exchange Rates data through REST API in JSON and XML format.
Bitcoin Price Index API & Exchange Rates - BitcoinAverage
Register now with BitcoinAverage & get fast free access to our trusted current and historical bitcoin prices for 160+ currencies, accounting tools & more
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Lookup, validate and autocomplete UK addresses, with a postcode using an API | findAddress is an easy JSON REST API to lookup, autocomplete and validate any UK address with a postcode. Start your 3 Months free trial today.
Free email address validation API service, block disposable email
Check-Mail is a free API service to validate email addresses, to check if an email is valid or disposable. The API combines blacklists with advanced heuristics to let you know if you should block disposable email or validate an email addresses.
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Offering great service and excellent quality in Environmental Management. All Moss staff are Experts in Erosion and Sediment Control (ERSED) and environmental planning for construction. Moss staff have many years of environmental management experience in both the public and private sector. We aim to facilitate a positive outcome in a timely manner for all our clients.
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Import tables from any Wikipedia article as a dataset in Python
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Home - drf-tracking
Utils to log Django Rest Framework requests to the database
Author: Ramtin Vaziri
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Choly's Blog · Choly's Blog
Compares expected environment variables to those set in production.
Author: Jace Browning
Site with notes from my work. | @JS's Notes
Site with notes from my IT work.
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Sitecore Stuff and Such | - by Christian Kay Linkhusen
- by Christian Kay Linkhusen
Author: Christian Linkhusen
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Author: John Doe
This blog is about Python, Golang, Django, IT etc.
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The Easiest Way To Document Your Project
Author: Stéphane Goetz
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Author: Ainun Abdullah
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Author: Ron Rivera
Author: Jungwon Seo; Garden
Author: Seongbin Kim
Author: Vison
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Author: Greg Lee; Lee Hee Chang
The Leading HTML to PDF conversion API — PDFShift
An API to convert HTML/CSS documents to PDF. PDFShift is the reliable, Up-to-date and high-fidelity conversion API with no maintenance costs.
Author: Cyril Nicodeme